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The Chip Board Archive 03

Small L/E chip collection


We have a small Limited Edition chip collection (about $800.00 face)that we would like to get rid off. Some cool stuff, some just ok. Mostly $5.00 chips, about 12 $25.00, some others also. Cool stuff includes the Ed "BIG DADDY" Roth chips & the Barris set from the Hard Rock! Would like to dispose of it all at once rather than one at a time on eBay. Any 'suggestions' or 'ideas' from any of you would be helpful. Perhaps someone knows of a person interested in getting started???
We have hundreds of online references available, and are currently member least until the end of this month.
I don't have a complete list yet but am slowwwwwwly workig on it.

Thanks for your help! Jeff & Susana Reuland TexMexSu on eBay!

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Small L/E chip collection
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