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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?

We are also interested in seeing if there is any interest in starting a chapter in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Would be interested in seeing what the collectors in our area are interested in (obsoletes, illegals, new issues, just getting together as collectors and expanding our knowledge, etc.). Would appreciate any suggestions from chapters on where to start? We will be at the convention and July and would be interested in discussing the possibilty of starting a chapter in our area. If you are interested, please e-mail us.
Mike & Donna Herhold CC>CC R-4067 and R-4067A

Messages In This Thread

How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Interset In a DFW Chapter
Re: Interset In a DFW Chapter -Correction
DFW Chapter?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: Here is link to club Bylaws for Chapter info..
Well - at least they make it easy EOM

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