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The Chip Board Archive 03

How does a "subchapter" happen?

When the Silver Strike Chapter was formed - did the National CCandGTCC help out with a task like that?
How does a "subchapter" happen? Does the national chip club support and promote them?
I have no idea how it works.
Any answers and info would be helpfull and a learning experience for most of us (especially me!)

Messages In This Thread

How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Interset In a DFW Chapter
Re: Interset In a DFW Chapter -Correction
DFW Chapter?
Re: How does a "subchapter" happen?
Re: Here is link to club Bylaws for Chapter info..
Well - at least they make it easy EOM

Copyright 2022 David Spragg