Steve; I lose subscribers frequently to other A.C. new issues seller/dealers who sell the same chips for a half-dollar less. It's called competition... which is what you, me, and everyone else who sells on ebay are experiencing. I sold the infamous Will Espin chip on ebay for over $100. Does that mean that other folks who had this chip for sale should be prevented from contacting the underbidders .... and did so? I was notified of at least one person who contacted the TOP bidder while the auction was in progress and who tried to curtail the bidding process by offering him an Espin chip in the event he was not the successful bidder... two days before the auction was over. Thanks to Skip, who was the top bidder at the time, who told me about this incident.
However, you still haven't answered my bottom-line questions..... such as; when would it be o.k. (in your opinion) to offer chips to your ebay underbidders, whom you don't own .... after the sale is over?