Steve; Casinos executives take their confidential list of premium players with them when they change jobs.... no different than your salesman example. As for my subscriber list..... that too is confidential information .... but if you were to obtain it somehow, there would be nothing I could do or say to prevent you from approaching my subscribers and offering them an opportunity to switch from my service to yours if they feel that your deal is better. The telephone companies do it all the time... and pay subscribers to switch companies. I'm sure you have received their telemarketing calls.
Steve; To get back on point. Aren't you mixing apples with oranges? Are you saying that Ebay bidders on your auctions are confidential customers of yours??? Those ebay bidders names are all public information that anyone who subscribes to ebay can utilize. Because they have publicly bid on one or more of your ebay chip offerings does not mean you own them... much like I don't own my new issues subscribers. They are free to purchase chips from whomever they wish .... and they do!