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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Don't know what I'm doing wrong ...

Jim Reilly wrote...

"""""... Steve, but I bid on 20 or more eBay chip lots every month and have
NEVER received a solicitation from another seller offering to undercut the eBay seller (or even match the eBay price). Have received occasional offers from eBay sellers to sell at my bid after I lost an auction, but never from a third party. ----- jim o\-S """"""


I would paint those people who contacted you with the same broad brush. If they want to sell chips (or widgets), they should do the work and conduct an auction. Then they can contact all of the unsiccessful bidders they want. They were able to contact you and perhaps make a sale/profit because of the work and money of the original seller.


Steve in Albuquerque

Messages In This Thread

Bottom-Feeders at work again....
Don't know what I'm doing wrong ...
Re: Don't know what I'm doing wrong ...
Didn't make that very clear ...
Re: Didn't make that very clear ...
Re: This is quite common and widely accepted...
The very first time any eBay seller ...

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