Yes, anybody can be a dad, be a GOOD dad.
I must smile at Dick saying he can remember his "son's first birthday, and now he's going into kindergarten, my how time flies."
I remember bringing my oldest son home from the hospital, then before I knew it he went to school, my how time flies. Then he met his first girlfriend, my how time flies. Then all of a sudden, he was getting married, my how time flies. Then he gave me four grandkids, my how time flies. Then my oldest two granddaughters gave me three great-grandkids, two of them are boys. Now my two my great-grandsons are in kindergarten. Now that gives new meaning to "my how time flies." You guys haven't even lived yet, let alone knowing how time flies. You guys have the ride of your lives still ahead of you, Savor every minute of it.
P.S. By the way, I'm only 61, so I'm looking forward to being a great-great-grandfather. My how time flies.