...method to ship is via "REGISTERED" mail. I use this service on ALL orders over $1000 because it's not ony a "bargain," but because it's also as safe as me actually handing the packet over to the buyer with my own hands. Everyone who touches my packet (or the sealed unit it's in) has to sign that they received it... all the way down to the "actual person" it's addressed to if I so request it as part of the service [Restricted Delivery]. My last three shipmwnts of $1,500.00 or more were as follows:
Loxahatchee/Las Vegas - $1,568.00 - Reg. Fee: $7.85
Loxahatchee/Dallas - $2,100.00 - Reg. Fee: $8.40
Loxahatchee/Vegas - $1,500.00 - Reg. Fee: $7.85
Actual postage was no more than 77¢ on each packet. Why would anyone care who would have to pay less than $10 for $1500+ in chips to trade hands!!!!
The £50 Roulette seen below is available for $33.00.