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The Chip Board Archive 03

Parachute, CO

Well I made it here safe and sound! I don't have access to my
email, but I do have access to the board (thank God!) :-)

I'm in Parachute right now but on Friday I'll be at Harvey's in
Black Hawk....and yes I'll get you chips! <G>

Saturday I'll be back here until Tuesday...then leaving for Laughlin, NV..
..and yes, I'll get you chips! <G> I think I'll be at Harrah's in Laughlin
but not definite yet...

I'd like to go on a chip run in Black Hawk and surrounding areas...
any of you that live in that area that want to join me, you're
certainly welcome!

My cell phone number is (916) 261-9433....if for some reason I don't
answer (like not getting a signal at that moment) you'll be directed
to my voice mail. Leave a message and I'll call you back.

Hope to see some of you while I'm here!


Messages In This Thread

Parachute, CO
Central City & Black Hawk, CO
Katie - URGENT , READ!!!
Great site, Katie ...
Re: Thanks Steve!! (EOM)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg