I would suggest that you not call it "illegal round robin" or otherwise I shall have to turn you in to the postal inspectors. <g> However, I favor such a rr and would join. But we would need some rules. E.g., the chips would have to be independently attributed. There may be a problem with regard to values. New chips can be valued at face (assuming we are not dealing with limited LE's). Obsolete chips from states and places that have an established rating give at least some guidelines. But illegals? I know we have price guides that help but the wide variances causes me to pause. For example, suppose the chips sent to me contain a chip from one of the Chicago area mob related clubs. Am I to get byputting in an "AFN" 10 chip (small greek key mold) from a Queens' after hours club when I have a couple of boxes of them. In any event if some kind of rational guidelines could be set, I'm in for a penny or a pound as the case may be.