Yes, I still have two Cozy Cole 45's. Topsy Turvy was the follow-up...
But the first record I ever purchased was either Christmas Dragnet - Stan Freeburg, or Blue Danube - Spike Jones. Both 78's which I still have! (which might explain my warped sense of humor) I can still remember crawling around and finding them under the counter, where the 45's and 33's were on sale above. Bargin hunters are born, not created. <G>
My entire collection of 45's in life, probably would number under 50. And when I graduated from college, my album collection was probably in the same range. But here's the kicker. I had three reel to reel decks and ??? cassette decks. I recorded off the radio and made my own collections, or borrowed records from friends.
My LP collection now numbers over 5,000, most from the late 60's and 70's. Ah some great music. Most albums played once or twice (see above, listened to over and over) and ready to go to CD as soon as I can get a burner on the computer.
Just like a "Cheap Chipper" to spend $800 to copy a $3.99 album! lol