I think we should establish a commettee of say 5 chippers. They must be posters on the board.
I nominate Jimbo for chairman. The floor is open for any other nominations for chairman. It is also open for the other 4 nominees. All 5 must be voted in by at least a 51% of past posters on the board. Jim Reilly can not be nominated
( I think he tries to be too fair).
The 5 member board will be responsible to see that no post on the board will offend any other poster. All posters will email all posts they plan on making, at least 48 hours prior to posting, to the entire 5 member panel. The panel will get back to you in a maxium of 48 hours and give you a thumbs up or thumbs down on your request for a post.
1st offence:
Any chipper making a post without the panels approval will be banned from any and all posts for 7 days. ( Greg will be responsible to block their addresses)
2nd offence:
Lifetime ban.
I reccommend we start out with a lifetime ban on certain people that are always offending people. Anyone can add to this list if they care to, but I should have most of the offenders named.
Gene Trimble - His one little goof up was enough. Lifetime ban!!!
Jimbo - He does not have to be a poster to be chairman of the panel and besides he offends everyone!!!!
Rene - Can't spell or speak english.
Pete Rizzo - He offends Rene
Bob Orm - He offends Archie.
Archie - He would not post anyhow if Bob was banned.
The GenReal - What can I say?
Andy - He keeps picking on The GenReal and a poker player? Get Real!!
Steve Snowden - He took up for Trimble!!!!!!!
Booby Whitman - Limo studs offend the Ladies and should have been barred long ago.
Jim Kruse - Did you read what he posted this afternoon????????? Geez
Bennie - Oh you bad boy Bennie!!!!
Travis - Who wants to read all that Binion and ebay junk anyway.
Florida Bob - Two Bob's!! Who are you trying to kid??
CT Bob - One Bob is more than enough.
Anyone else named Bob - I am afraid Ginsburg will try to sneak back in.
All new chippers until they are approved by the 5 member panel. Resumes will be accepted by email.
Belinda Hixon-enough already with the shirts!!!
Benedict - Jetons and Plaques-Jetons and Plaques-Jetons and Plaques!!
Dick Covington-He knows tOOOOOOOO much about computers and cameras. Ain't he a limo stud????
Rich Hanover- life does not revolve around Crest and Seals and sooner or later he is going to post one of those awful nazi swatisca chips.
John Zoesh- Tenneessee- Thats no place to be from.
Katie - Pretty girls not allowed!!!
All ugly girls, also.
John Massissami-Do you remember how he offened Archie??? HMMMM, Lets see, Archie is already on the list, maybe we should give John a pass!!!
Especially anyone named Jane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALL chippers that take part in Round Robins - How boring!!
I think if we ban the above, "OUR" little chipboard will be a better place.
Vote now to BAN THE RIFT RAFT. Vote for JIMBO!!!!!!!!!!
Your friend
Jane Trimble