How many of you guys know who Thomas Jefferson was? When asked if he had to choose between (1.) living in a country that was not a democracy and ruled by a dictator BUT had a free press and (2.) living in a democratic country WITHOUT a free press, Jefferson said there was no question, he'd live in a country WITH a free press even if it was not a democracy. That's how important freedom of expression and speech was to our founding fathers. It's the reason that it is listed FIRST in the Bill of Rights. I may not agree with Jane Fonda's politics and I may not agree with Richard Nixon, George Wallace or Adolph Hitler's either but if someone wants to show a chip autographed by any of those people they have every right to in this country. Also, the last thing I'll point out is that by calling her "Hanoi Jane" Gene indicated he wasn't a fan of hers. That is a derogative term when applied to Ms. Fonda.