Bob; Fair enough response Bob. I guess you're right... you're not reaching me but I appreciate your non-personal reply. Let me ask you a serious question Bob, without getting personal in response. If I'm reading you correctly, then the only folks who would have access to this suggested e-magazine are those who have computers? What about the club members who are not on-line? They are on the ball field as well, are they not? If the club does not produce a hard copy magazine for them... there is little use for an e-version that produces no revenue. In order to have the little league field to cut the grass and play the game, somebody has to pay the taxes to pay for the empty lot. The taxpayers in this case are largely the advertisers, whom I don't think will support an e-magazine. If the club decides to put the magazine on-line, then wouldn't some members ask the question; "why pay dues if I can access the magazine for nothing?"