I have received a couple of eMails regarding this auction. Please let me address them.
Perhaps my use of the word "BENEFIT" was misused. I decided to do this strictly as a way for me (and others) to demonstrate to Bob and his family that we were grateful for his contributions to the hobby over the years. I am a green newbie CCGTCC member with number #4048. I have done a lot of lurking and learning the past year on Greg's Chipboard.com and have learned a lot from the folks who came before me. I continue to learn so much from guys like Archie, Gene, Andy H., Bob G., John B., Greg Susong and a world of others. You all know who you are. For the past year, I have mostly been a 'taker' of knowledge and information and just wanted to give a little something back.
The questions that have been asked of me by email are regarding Bob's financial status.
Let me say this about the email questions I have asked... This _WAS NOT_ and _IS NOT_ a "CHARITY" Auction for Bob Gabel! It's not about the money...
It was just something I wanted to do for awareness of the folks who have helped to make this club and hobby what it is today. Seriously, this hobby and you folks on the board have changed my life.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention and I hope this answers the questions some have raised.
Steve in Albuquerque