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The Chip Board Archive 03

Hey Chuck?????????????????

Hi Chuck!

You always make fun out of my english, so i try to do this in proper english.
One thing some of the old timers have to learn is that, the beauty of the internet is that it is universal. People come from all countries, from all social settings and most of all with different beliefs.

Without the internet I probably woulda never made Travis L. a good friend of mein. I mean hear i am 23 and travis is a little older and a laywer from Syracuse ( I belief) what are the chances of our path crossing. Or Wayne Thompson a good old Souther Boy like he says. I made many great friends through the net.

That is the beauty, what makes you think that i have to life up to your standards on the net. This is not YOUR Board. This is the internet a medium for the masses. Would it upset you if i wrote everything in german for my german speaking friends. Before you critize other people please remember this is not america, this is the world :)

This message is not seposed to be offensive just some food for thought :)
Hope you take it the right way :)

Now I got a ignorant German question.
You call yourself " THE GENERAL "
In my country titles like General Doctor President Senator Professor ETC.
is something you have to earn with Hard work and respect from your fellow man.
Is this different here???????? Why are you a general??????
If its this way I think I am gonna be Doctor Nezhoda tomorrow :)

Best Regards
Your Friend

Messages In This Thread

Hey Chuck?????????????????
Re: Hey Chuck?????????????????
Re: Hey Chuck?????????????????
Re: Hey Chuck?????????????????
Hey Guys - How about this...
Re: Hey Guys - How about this...
Must be a "German" thing....
Re: Must be a "German" thing....
Re: Must be a "German" thing....
Re: Must be a "German" thing....
Just Don't Start On the Italians
Re: You're a sick man Steve..
Re: Yuk
I can see it now :)
Re: Yep.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg