{{{{Bob Ginsburg(FL) posted this on 5-17-00}}}}
""""""I have learned constraint, self-control & I'm practicing Zen meditation. The tools that were imparted to me by my master allow me to disregard the ramblings of an old, misguided, self-indulgent, out of the loop, cigarette smoking, poker player who has nothing better to do with his life than criticize others. OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! """""""""
A little research into some early printings of the _Bhagavad-Gita As It Is_ turned up the following photo of a Bob Ginsburg circa 1968. According to the text, it was taken after his return from India with the Beatles.
I wonder what other skeletons he has in his closets?
(With sincere apologies to the World's Religions....)
Steve in Albuquerque