No comment on this end Richard. Chips, like every other collectible in the world, from rare paintings to record-setting baseballs hit over the fence, are worth what some collectors are willing to pay for them. Opening bids don't upset me as it does some folks on this bb. It's the final price paid that is the bottom line. If this chip doesn't get an opening bid, that tells a story in itself, does it not?
I recall not too many weeks ago when I was roundly criticized about a $50 opening bid I had on Ebay of an Atlantic City LE chip that realized over $100 and which had considerable action by mulitiple underbidders. Of course, as usual, the critics were the ones who didn't have the goods to sell. Keep in mind that some collectors refuse to pay more than double-face for ANY chip. That's o.k. too if that's their personal guidelines... Who can quarrel with that philosophy? However, on the the flip side of the chip, there are many folks in this hobby who have the resources to pay big money for scarce items.... and who willingly welcome the opportunity to add expensive items to their collections.
BTW: I don't know of anyone who forces anyone else to submit bids on ebay.