I think I have it now! The old WSOP $2.50's were re-issued & now there are two identical sets of each number, BUT, the re-strikes have different labels which makes them newer than the originals, because they were manufactured after the orignals were put on sale. I may be stupid & dunce much of the time, but I am a quick learner if things are properly explained.
BTW, Can you do me a big favor? Would you ask Jimbo to have his horse ready when I get to Vegas. I have to show John Z. & Archie how to mount a horse. Also, the rope that I've been practicing with is getting kind of worn. Can you check to see if the K-Mart closest to the Trop is open until 10:00PM. I have another demonstration to take care of. Thanks for you help.
BTW, Still no mail from Iron Mike.