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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip

I thought Bennie made the 1st post???
The NO meant, mine was not a Millennium chip. It is a rack chip.
BTW, Paul has offered $3 over face for mine, not $2!

Maybe I should start a members only auction for it. <g>

Messages In This Thread

Luxor $2000 Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Re: Luxor $2000 NO Millennium Chip
Katie, Dittos...
Re: I'll bite.....
No Biting Allowed!!!
Re: D'OH!!
Re: D'OH!!
Re: D'OH!!...Good one Larry! (EOM)
Re: D'OH!!...Good one Larry! (EOM)
Re: D'OH!!...Good one Larry! (EOM)
Re: Sorry!! Board was....
LOL! - We just thought that the blond...
Re: I hear ya....
Re: It happens to all of us...
What's dumber than a dumb blonde?
Re: And here I was.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg