... Casino & Gambling Paraphernalia & Memorabilia Collectors", or ISOC&GP&MC for short? <g>
This is at least the third time we've had this discussion in the last few years. Generally, the old-timers want to keep the old name. Support for a new name comes primarily from newer members.
We have spent 13 years building name identification. I personally think it would be a mistake to just throw that away. Same reason big companies rarely change their names, regardless of changes in their product lines.
Besides, if everyone knows that collectors of other gambling items are welcome in the club, what difference does it make to change the name?
If it comes to a vote, I will cast mine for the current name. It has character in addition to name recognition. And I would be adamantly opposed to any name which incorporates the weasel word "gaming". ----- jim o\-S