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The Chip Board Archive 03

What's a strike worth?

Economics is not a science subject to exact analysis, Marv. Chip and token values are subject to emotion and perceived value changes just as is the value of a share of Microsoft Corp. or a bushel of corn.

Which is the 'real value' of a share of MSFT:

$120 as it was in January

$65 as it was last week

Perhaps we should start keeping charts of these token prices. Maybe a candlestick chart will tell us when to buy (and when it's time to sell the token to the greater fool)? Personally, I'm waiting for the LVSE to open so we can trade these things every day and see what they are really worth! (That's the Las Vegas Strike Exchange. It will be located inside New York, New York Casino, just behind the New York Slot Exchange.) <g>

Messages In This Thread

Final bid on King 8 Silver Strike....
Re: Whats Up....
Maybe Supply & Demand & Auction limits...
What's a strike worth?
Good one....
Re: Maybe Supply & Demand & Auction limits
Re: May be the way that Ebay works

Copyright 2022 David Spragg