Dealers earn every penny they make, and less! <G>
I'll keep it short, (if that's possible for me?) 98% of the chip dealers are a service to the collectors. They have invested in inventory and hours of searching for chips, so we can find what we "need" easily. There's no reason to label all the good people, just because of a creapy 2% of rip-offs and vultures.
Yes I love trading, but I don't have the time to fill up all those little envelopes, paste on the stamps and send them out. Figure the expense and it's about the same as paying a dealer. (but of course more fun.)
Round robins are a real hit, when I have enough or the right chips to pass on.
But the major point that stikes me is that no one is forcing anyone else to buy from a dealer. If someone doesn't like dealers, then have fun trading or working auctions. But there's no reason to go out of the way to bash them.
Pete "cheap chips are me" Porro