...this? It wasn't me guys. Wish it was....which leads me
to post a comment that I was going to make anyway...
I don't know how you guys do it...this past weekend in Tahoe,
I went on a chip run for all you buddies that wanted chips
from that area...I was only allowed to buy chips at the
cashiers window in TWO CASINOS!! I've been talking it over
with Gil Lovell...(sorry, Gil, didn't want to pull you in to
this thread) How is it that ANY OF YOU are able to get chips
at the window? The only two casinos that would sell to me were
the Hyatt Regency and Harvey's. I did everything I was told to do...
I told them that I was a chip collector...I was as nice as I knew
how to be....I even begged!! They didn't care...they told me to
buy in at a table.
So, I understand Ralph's frustration....how come they won't sell to
me?? I wasn't even gonna make a profit....I was going to trade them!
(and no, I'm not talking about the 4 Queens...I wasn't even there.
but if I am on their list...leave me there!!! <G>)