To Archie
I would like to thank you Archie for your reminder not to talk when my mouth is full. I was there in Tropicana when they distributed the Will Espin chip and just like you said "out of luck," I was doing errands to two out of town contact. I did not know who is/was Espin.
To Gene Trimble
I thank you for your editorial style of writing. Positively I have adopted your 'attitude' of using a trading partner. I will take to heart your assurances that most if not practically all the membership are truly honest and sincere in their chipping relationships. I saw in your response a very strong and firm conviction in the chipping hobby. You allayed my fears, doubts and early impressions on the chipping. Also for putting me back on track with your 'bright and growing future for the hobby'. I owe you a lot of gratitude, Gene.
To Rich Hanover for your thought provoking naming of names query. Thank you also for pointing out that there is no single way of chipping. The rules and conducts of trading comes not in "black and white....." but in different shades that develops within the individual chipper.
To Travis H. D. Lewin the distinguish lawyer and master and doctor of jurisprudence for the legal brief of naming names (who said nothing is free) for the free legal advice on the legal implications.
To Scott Ray for introducing a new initials in the board although I would like 'BBS'. If I may read between Scott's BS as it stands it means all those initials are just big 'BS'. Thanks Scott I just added a new word into my chip memory.
To R. K. Covington (A.K.A. Dick) who showed us to be humble. What does A.K.A. means anyway? Is this a fraterny of chippers? Is there an Alpha Kappa Alpha Fraternity that I am not aware of? How are you brod? I was a Grand Akan for three years while in college.
To Kerry Waite who out of thin air pops up into my screen. The first email I got and the first friend with "R" who welcomed me to the league. Kerry, they missed my throat, honestly because I was warned by Katie Smith to wear my choke collar Am I kidding? Again Kerry you 'refine' me to the smallest atom that cannot be split by any collider or atom spliter.
To John Benedict 'the gentleman' who achieved his objective to 'restore' my confidence in talking to the board. Again without malice before, now and in the future.
To John Rizzo for the 'Don't'(s) but missing the dough nuts, i.e., 'do nuts'. Thank you I will print your message and bring it to Las Vegas on my next visit.
Pete, all I have to do is show the chip bank manager your letter with your name on it and they will give me all the chips I want for free. Cooooool. What a paper weight your name would be. I am just kidding am I?
To Bob Whiteman who wondered when did I become an expert on the hobby. I will tell you when, okay? Until I say so don't believe what you read anything I post.
Thank you very much for the welcome.
To Kevin Norris thanks for the warm welcome and friendship you gave me. I needed it so much to boast my morale to beat the Dow Jones and NASDAG new highs. You are truly a KING! I know a real KING because King Leonidas of Sparta says so.
To Bob Ginsburg I salute and humble myself in the presence of the 5 star members. I define five stars members as those whose number R is 0 to 500. These is my index to the future of the hobby.
To Peter Sanders on the common usage of the initial MS vs LLM.
To Rich Figarotta to shop around for the cheaper prices. The cheapest I can find for current $1 chip is $2.00 with free shipping and handling $25.00 or over. I am doing 'commercial' here?
To Andy Hughes reconfirmation that chipping is love making but not 'on board' but outboaard.
To Jim Reilly last but not least hi there!
Again thank you all very much for all these sincere and honest assesstment of the situations and for the words to live by.