Military chips are perhaps one of the harder to come buy series of chips. Most bases, both in the United States and espically overseas, issued both tokens and chits (small paper coupons) as a form of credit primarly for purchases within the club. Credit limits were based upon pay grade and were due either at the next pay period or at the end of the month. Of course, many clubs also had slot machines in them, and these tokens also served for these purposes. During the Vietnam conflict, corruption became so rampant that slot machines were banned, and with increases in pay and the advent of the credit card, most tokens slowy were phased out. While a normal token order from a club usually ranged in the 100 to 500 range for any denomination, chips were another matter. Most clubs did not have the resources to run table games and very few clubs never ordered any thing closely relating to poker style chips. Military related tokens have been in existance since before the civil war with many books written on the subject, with two rather extenisve books comming out in the last two years, one covering bases within the United States and the other covering bases overseas. At over 300 pages each, you can imagine that most everything that is know about this collecting area is covered. But as with anything else, something new is always bound to show up from time to time.
I offered fixed price list as well as auctions on military club tokens, chits and yes chips. For a free copy just send me your snail mail address and I will include you on my next mailing free of charge. Or, stop by for a visit by clicking on the below link.