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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Trump $100 Millenium chip/Ebay?

John; I waited for three days to see if anyone was going to list one of the Will Espin chips before I put mine up for sale to the highest bidder. I'm offering a fair opportunity to anyone else who has this chip to put it up before I do. I read further up this thread that someone has 27 of these $100's? Good, let HIM put one up for bid and see where it goes. I'll bet he/she doesn't catch the flack that I will as soon as mine is listed.

As a cataloguer, specialist, and author of Atlantic City chips, I'm very interested in knowing the value of this stuff. Can anyone suggest a better way to determine value than to let the marketplace speak for itself instead of me arbitrarily assigning a fixed value to a particular A.C. chip? If so, I would be happy to hear from you..... via email of course. Archie (BLACK)

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Re: Trump $100 Millenium chip/Ebay?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg