Just wanted to clear up something....I didn't mean for my
post about George to reflect badly on Archie at all. As I
was reading through the posts...and read John M's post...I
was just kin of thinking out loud and remembered George. I
forgot what the original post was all about...
Anyway, just wanted to mention that. I don't subscribe to
Archie's service (not for any particular reason...just never
thought about it) but if I did, I wouldn't be upset over the
Will Espin chip. However he went about distributing the chips
would be fine with me. Really. Because I figure...he's the one
doing all the leg work...and he's doing it for me (and others that
subscribe) so that we can have chips we wouldn't ordinarily be
able to get...I live in CA...it would be pretty expensive for me
to fly to AC every month or so just to get chips. So I don't have a
problem with it.
Just wanted to clear up that little point. I was just posting George's
name for Jim...had nothing to do with Archie or how I felt about the
whole thing.