Thanks for your post. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts I let Pete Rizzo use one of my scans & I have let a few others because they asked & the reason for them wanting the scan was a good one. In Pete's case he did not have a complete set of the chips to scan & wanted to include it along with the story of the chips. I will say that I won't give some people permission to use my scans. I don't feel that someone else who is selling chips on eBay or on their own Web site should be taking my scans to help THEM sell chips. Bennie admitted to me in an E-Mail that he HAS a scanner. That made the situation even worse, not only was he taking the scans without asking, but, he was too lazy to do the work a number of us had already done. On top of that he has the nerve to say "As for any scan I now have on auction or my web site it may or may not be replaced." He really is a piece of work.........If anyone is going to steal MY scans then they better be prepared to take the heat if I find out about it!
Andy - Las Vegas