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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: That's it! Taking off my gloves..!

<1 ----- You'd send that poor kid back to a communist country where, in just a year or so, they're going to take him away from his father anyway? What are you anyway, some kind of pinko? >

Not a pinko...just don't like kids!

<2 ----- Have you got something against old growth redwood trees? Did you know that less than 5% of ALL of the old growth redwoods that used to exist in the world are left? What are you anyway, some kind of corporate greed monger? >

You know the saying, Jim..."You can't see the forest for the trees..."
If that's true, let's tiddy up the place!!

<3 ----- And I suppose if you own a gun, you probably leave it lying around loaded and without a trigger lock, where any one of the neighbor kids could find it and accidentally shoot some other small child. What are you anyway, some kind of gun-toting, redneck motorcycle chick? >

Of course it's loaded and unlocked! A lot of help it would be to me if
someone broke in my house! I can see it now.."Excuse me Mr. Burglur.
Could you please stand over there while I point my gun in a safe
direction to unlock and load it? Thanks so much for being patient."
As far as some neighbor kid getting it and shooting another kid,
refer back to my answer for number 1. Don't like kids anyway!
Am I a gun-toting, redneck motorcylce chick? Actually, the motorcycle
messes up my hair. I prefer my has a gun rack.

<4 ----- And I suppose you'd deny the relief that marijuana brings to people with cancer and other serious diseases. Did you know that there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that use of pot is addictive or that it leads to the use of other drugs? What are you anyway, some kind of uptight control freak who just can't stand to see someone else having a good time? >

Actually...yeah..kind of! How come only those with diseases get the good

<5 ----- Damn, haven't you read the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution either? Don't you realize that it is exactly our right to burn the flag which makes this a truly free country? What are you anyway, some kind of radical, flag-waving, right wing conservative?>

Umm...yeah..kind of! Why burn the American flag when there are so many
others to choose from? I won't name can probably figure them

You're too funny Jim! Got a big kick out of your arguments!
See you in April!


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