... as my example instead of Pete! <g> But, a public confession will do the trick, anyway.
Seriously, I understand exactly what you're saying and I agree that the casinos will probably not do anything about your sites. HOWEVER, if I was their lawyer, I would be advising them to contact you to establish a licensing agreement. Perhaps with no (or nominal) charge, but some kind of legally enforcible license BECAUSE that is the only way to protect the copyright interest.
If a copyright holder is aware of infringements and does nothing to prevent the infringements, the holder might lose the copyright entirely.
If the copyright holder licenses the use, then it is not an infringement and cannot constitute grounds for losing the copyright.
This is the reason why a lot of the big guys are going after websites now, including many which would meet the criterion of being "helpful" to the copyright holder (such as the "fan" sites). Seems harsh, but under the law, it's the only way they can protect what is a very valuable interest.
I will say it one more time, I THINK SCAN THEFT SUCKS, for all of the reasons mentioned in this thread. Making it known here when such unauthorized use takes place is entirely appropriate and we can each make our own judgements about whether to patronize the person who is doing it. On the other hand, maybe we should keep that biblical "stone throwing" advice in mind. ----- jim o\-S