I'd like to trade for other obsoletes, but would entertain trades for multiple currents. Check out http://www.westnet.com/~kbehrens/chips (or click the link below) -- See the Want List section for trade ideas, or the Trade List section for pictures of the following:
Las Vegas Club (N4391), Las Vegas NV
Holiday Inn Boardwalk, Las Vegas NV
Aladdin (N4776), Las Vegas NV
Ellis Island, Las Vegas NV
Circus Circus (N1466), Las Vegas NV
Peoples Choice, Las Vegas NV
Commerce (coin insert), Commerce CA
Commerce (bird of paradise), Commerce CA
Camel Rock, NM
Bullwhackers, Central City CO
Lady Luck, Coahoma MS
Trump Castle, Atlantic City NJ
Tropicana (TRO-1), Atlantic City NJ