Well, I returned from my business trip to St. Croix with chips in hand for Larry.
The Divi Casino opened up a couple weeks ago, but had their dedication on March 21. Darn I missed it by one day.
The casino is fairly small, but nice. Two Roulette tables, one craps, and 8 or 10 (forgot) blackjack tables. Did not see any high denomination slots. Lots of quarters and $1.00 and a few nickels.
Slot cards are nice (will try to post when I can figure out how). Asked for two and the girl said no one ever asked for two before so then I asked for blanks and got a few of those too.
Chips I hit the jackjpot on. They had a $5 grand opening chip limited 1,000. A millenium chip $5, limited to 1,000. And I brought back some $5 and $1 (not a lot, have to save them for promised people first). Yes Albert, you are one. And Scott. (will try and scan when I figure this out) The chips all show a sunset and a dolphin jumpin in the water on one side of each version. The Grand opening says 2000 March (no exact date)
It is open 24 hours, not attached to the hotel, about a block away, do not walk there at night. no lights. and driving on the left side of the road with cars like we drive is pretty darn traumatic. But a beatiful place to stay right on the water if anyone is going there. It is about 35-40 minutes from the airport.
No ashtrays, matches, etc, that say casino on them only the towelettes and Pens.