My goodness, what a joy! Just over 3 months start to finish. It left home November 24th with 30 chips, some being very nive NCVs. It came back with 46 chips, including two $5 LEs and an exquisite obsolete. Everyone did their paperwork, so I can see exactly who took and replaced what. I'ts really nice being able to look over the list and see the chips come and go, and darn I wanted that one. And THAT one! <G> Thank you to everyone for your generosity!!!
I have 7 names of people who already said they wanted to play in my next one. Assuming they're still game, I need 5 more "robinees" and I'll dispatch another come Monday, same rules, $1 Nevada, NCVs encouraged. The 7 names already on my list are Roy Baldwin, Charles Kaplan, Don Covello, Norm Botoshe, Rich Hanover, John Zoesch, and Shawn Anderson. Of course, no one is obligated to play if you've changed your mind.