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The Chip Board Archive 02

Re: Met the VEEP... Part 2
In Response To: Re: Met the VEEP... Part 2 ()

<<The amazing thing to me in this thread, is that it would appear that none of the critics have taken the time to email V.P.
Hallenbeck privately, or send him copies of the many public posts about topics that are bothersome to so many. Why is it that
many of us (not all) are content to sling the negative arrows on the public bb and turning-off those potential members who may
be on the fence about joining CCGTCC,... instead of emailing the individual club officer(s) with your concerns? I wonder why
everything must be made public? Have we forgotten that the U.S. Postal Service is still in business, or have we become so
dependent upon this, and other electronic bulletin boards, to air our gripes, that no one seems to be paying any attention to many
of us? Just wondering aloud. >>

Archie, let me suggest the following (a follow up to an earlier posting:)

#1, I feel that anyone who volunteers or accepts a responsible position in this or any other organization, find out just what is going on. I assume the Veep and other officers, if not online, have friends who will or should be keeping the officers aware of the concerns of his constituents.

#2. If the job is too overwhelming, cumbersome, time-consuming or or whatever, he should resign and let someone else with the time, energy and will, to take over.

#3. This is the year 2000 (notice I refrained from stating it is a new millennium) and like it or not, in answer to your question << Have we forgotten that the U.S. Postal Service is still in business, or have we become so dependent upon this, and other electronic bulletin boards, to air our gripes, that no one seems to be paying any attention to many of us? Just wondering aloud. >> Yes. We have become dependent on the electronic BB's.

#4. This is not to be conscrewed as a personal attack against anyone specific. I was not around when you and Janice were on the board so I don't know if either or both of you were attacked as much as the present board seems to be, but I do believe if I was in there position, I would either get off my rear end and let those who are complaining know what I have been or going to be doing or else let someone else take over the reins.

It is very possible that all the negative remarks are uncalled for, but unless we are informed, what else is one to think-- and I don't mean in an article in the magazine which we won't receive again for another three months.

#5. I am sorry (then again I'm really not) for those members who are not on line. Apparently they are not interested enough in the hobby to want to know the current "goings around" for if they were, they would also be attuned to the (dare I say,) 21st century.

I suppose it is acceptible for an "old timer", one who is not into the newer issue chips, or current news to stay with typewriter (or pen and quill) and snail mail (or even the pony express,) and get his current information three months or so late or at the annual convention, but for "Us" youngsters, we want everything now. I want to know when a new chip is issued, a new casino opened or to be able to trade (which is the most fun of all.)

And Archie, I neither have the desire nor the time to write each individual officer expressing my opinion. I can do it here, on Greg "Wonder board" and let everyone know at the same time, my feelings. Beside, I can save $0.33¢ times however many members their are in postage (certainly enough to buy another chip.)

Messages In This Thread

Met the VEEP... Part 2
Re: a reply and suggestion --- a long post
Now that's one "Giant Step" forward...
I concur in everything you said ...
Re:You Got IT Paul!!!!
Re: a reply and suggestion --- a long post
Re: a reply and suggestion --- a long post
Re: Met the VEEP... Part 2
Re: Met the VEEP... Part Nothing
Re: Met the VEEP... Part Nothing But..
Re: Met the VEEP... Part 2
Re: Met the VEEP... Part 2
Re: Met the VEEP! Who, where, how?
Re: Met the VEEP! Who, where, how?
Re: Met the VEEP! Who, where, how?
Re: Met the VEEP... Part 2
Archie, aren't you sorry now ...
Hallenbeck Coins

Copyright 2022 David Spragg