I respectively disagree. This IS NOT a starting point for most of us.The scans Gene has posted will in the long run do more harm to the hobby than good.
Most collectors don't know the difference between a good Nevada mold chip and a Boreland. They will look at Gene's scans and stay away from all of them. In my opinion, this is terrible for the hobby.If a scan is to be posted than it should include a scan of the good chip next to the Boreland. That way collectors can see for themselves the difference. In addition, a writeup of each chip should be done explaining the differences as well as the colors available. To skip all these steps and merely post scans and say they are counterfit hurts ALL these types of chips.
To respond to your next post before you write it <g>. No I do not have time to do it nor the amount of information it would take to do an acceptable job. I never do aanything half.ss. If I can't do it right - I don't do it. Best, Jim