We all have our own experiences. As far as I'm concerned, as soon as the auction ends, I request the name and address of the buyer and mail him the chips(s) immediately. Usually our mail overlaps and we both get our share within a day or two. Never been stuck yet. And if I was, as I stated in an earlier post, how much could I lose? Certainly not as much as I lost tonight playing hold-em ($150.00 within 1 hour.)
Just one more note. Although I have not bought anything lately on E-bay and probably will not be doing so in the near future, I would never even consider bidding on any item where the seller demanded a money order in lieu of my check. In the same instance, I don't mind receiving a check either. Never had one of those bounce either. I feel if I can't trust someone, stranger or not, for a few bucks, I'd rather not sell it to him. In the same instance, why should the buyer trust me. The guys got to be a fool to send a check or money order to a complete stranger and hope to heck he gets something in return. But it's done all the time, isn't it.