Thanks for your post Wayne, urging anyone interested in serving as Convention Publicity Chairman for our 1999 event to come forward. Contrary to what has been posted on this BB by others critical of the amount of money spent on "Publicity" and disregarding Convention Publicty as a viable means of advertsing our club, the fact is that this year's Convention Publicity Chairman had a $2,500 advance from the club treasury to work with, advertsing the club and it's convention. At least that amount, possibly more, will be available for similar advertsing next year. Thank you Vince & Bettye Mowery for all your hard work and efforts publicizing the club's annual event as Publicity Chairman over these past several years. Since Vince will not be returning as Convention Publicity Chairman in 1999, I too, join in with Convention Chairman Wayne's plea/search for some experienced help in this important committee post. Archie