No. Not at all. I don't have an enter button
function with my WebTV keyboard. I type on a 25"
screen and when I read my own messages they look
just fine. I know that when I read Allan Myers'
posts (and a few others) there would be one complete
line, three words, and then another complete line.
Most all important posts I submit are printed out by
one or two people on this bb and mailed to me at the
end of each month...and all are exactly as I type
them. You're the first to mention this.
Is this text all on one line or is as you say it is?
(The above filled up my screen.)
Is this text all one one line?
Is this text all on one line and also on the line
directly below.
("directly below") is on second line on my sctrrn.
Is anyone else seeing what Rich is?