"I appreciate your comments. I guess that does make sense except for the
fact that by includindg the term "rare" more people look at the items. I
know this is true because I tract this using counters with and without the
term. Also, I had never before seen clay chips and did not know they were
so common. I hope you did not take my descriptions offensively. If so I
will try to refrain in the future."
Now I know that some of you, like Jimbo the ostrich, prefer not to expend too much energy getting caught up in crusades. But I also believe that if just a few chippers on this bb would respond to some of these misrepresented ebay offerings, by contacting the sellers, and inquire in a positive manner how they have determined the chips they are offering are "rare", we can clean up this problem ourselves to a large degree. The problem will never be 100% eliminated, but if we can collectively cut the misuse of the word "rare" by 50% it would be a hell of an improvement.