John, No apology is necessary. If any apology is due, it is from me... as I misinterpreted your original post to mean that the chips had either been all removed or were sold out by 1:00 p.m. on Sunday There very well may have not been any of the $100 millennium chips on the table when you were there at 1 p.m. I'm sure that had you inquired at the table, a pit boss would have made a call to replenish them. All I know is that there were multiple stacks of millennium chips on two tables between 7 pm and 7:30, two days after New Years Eve, on Sunday evening ..... after Tropicana had announced in it's news release that they expected an "immediate sellout" and that sales were limited to one chip per person.
As for table numbers; if you will look at the backside of the table (where the dealer is standing) you will note the table number and pit assigned on a white plexiglass plate.