Marv; Nice try, but relationship to numbers produced and how many collectors there are don't compare .... especially when discussing two different collecting fields. (Silver Strike Tokens vs. chips) What IS the prime factor in prices realized in auctions besides demand is how badly two or more bidders want a particular item. If two bidders go head to head without regard of price paid (which happens frequently) then the successful bidder is no longer in the market when a second offering is made of the same item and the price of the second offering is usually less ....... UNLESS another pair of bidders who can't live without the item being offered go head to head and run up the price again. Once the high bidders with deep pockets are satisfied with their new play things ... and have removed themselves from the market place ... subsequent offerings are bid by more "main-stream" collectors who have less disposable income and the price generally levels-off to more reasonable plateaus. Of course there is always the exception. The passage of time will eventually tell on this set in question ... as it always does.