really, anyway?
By "our" (Gregorian) calendar, 1999 going on 2000.
By the Chinese/Asian calendar, 4697.
By the Jewish calendar, 5760.
By the Byzantine calendar, 7508.
By the Roman calendar, 2752.
By the Nabonassar (Babylonian) calendar, 2748.
By the Japanese calendar, 2659.
By the Grecian (Seleucidae) calendar, 2311.
By the Diocletian calendar, 1716.
By the Indian calendar, 1921.
By the Islamic/Muslim (Hijra) calendar, 1420.
BTW, David, I have never seen any authority which characterized the "first" year of our calendar as year "0". Do you have a reference for this conclusion? Or are you just one of those "shedding many tears, trying to make a century out of 99 years"? <g> ----- jim o\-S