Many people believe the Moulin Rouge was the first integrated club. Not so! Blacks played in clubs located and owned by them in the downtown area during World War II as well as some white clubs. These mixed race clubs did good business. It wasn't until the city fathers refused to renew business licenses for black owned establishments located downtown that the policy of seperation began to really develop. By forcing Black owned clubs ans establishments to move to a different area of town, created so much "hate" that the relationship between Blacks and Whites went downhill fast. Some people believe the shooting of a Black soldier in 1944 by the Las Vegas police in front of or in the Harlem Club led to the destruction of the Brown Derby Club. I believe the shooting and the riot were partly unrelated. Relations between the races were really bad because of the license problem. The Brown Derby Club riot, in my opinion, was caused by a crooked crap game fueled by the earlier shooting. Many of the games in the Black owned clubs were not totally on the up and up. Let's be honest<VBG>, neither were the games in the White clubs. Hope this helps. Best, Jim