This information was passed out to my company's computer users (60,000 + computer users). I hope it helps all you people with PCs. No effect on my MAC!
Regards, Jim Follis
A new virus, VBS.BubbleBoy, has been detected. VBS.BubbleBoy
does not affect Lotus Notes or cc:Mail users, and the
probability of infection from VBS.Bubble Boy is low.
VBS.BubbleBoy works under Windows 98, Windows 2000, and
other Windows operating systems that have Windows Scripting
Host installed. It uses Microsoft Outlook to send an e-mail
message containing the following text:
Subject: BubbleBoy is back!
Persons at outside locations and vendors using Microsoft
Outlook could unknowingly send an infected e-mail message to
Delete any e-mail with the subject line "BubbleBoy is back!"
Currently, the Norton Anti-Virus (NAV) program is unable to
detect this virus. MS Outlook users may find a patch to
protect their desktops from VBS.BubbleBoy on the following
Microsoft web page: