Hi Alex; Interesting observation on your part. Many times I've been asked how I managed to stay on as President for eleven years. The answer, which you've touched on becomes crystal clear. I wasn't on-line for nine of the eleven years. If anyone had a comment, suggestion, complaint, criticism, they had to sit down and write a letter. I don't think I would have lasted one term had I been on-line back in 1988 or the early to mid-90's. Today, it's all too easy to plop one's posterior in a comfortable chair in front of a monitor and keyboard and fire away. The only part of your post I would disagree with, is your suggestion to ignore the offending posts. That's all well and good if you are not the recipient of the garbage. It's tough to grit one's teeth and ignore posts that are outright untrue and go left unchallenged. To ignore them and not respond leaves the impression that the original post must be accurate.