I can handle rejection of a proposal. ....when it happens from the group the proposal is made. So far, no rejection from that group, only your proclamation months after my proposal. I still haven't received a note from anyone on the BOD concerning my proposal, as to if they discussed it or not. ....a simple thanks for the idea, but we can't do that at this time would have eliminated any discussion from me on this matter.
Reference another post about this being the idea medium for communication. Going through the channels that YOU told me to got NO response. When a decision is made by the BOD, let them make the proclamation. This is twice I've been burned on this. First by Rene announcing his replacing me as Convention Publicity Director, and now YOUR proclamation that your rules for the COTY/TOTY are the rules period.
If anyone thinks that I'm writing this just to pick a fight, am a nitpicker, a dope, or anyother label that you'd like to toss into this salad, walk in my shoes for a minute. I've done the volunteer gig. At this end, it ain't worth it. I've played by the rules, and been ridiculed for expecting the same by others. This whole conversation could have been avoided if the BOD had sent me ANY response to my proposal before Archie's (months later) proclamation.