The very first item I ever bought on eBay, the seller posted positive feedback as soon as he received payment, saying what a great customer I was. I could have been a raving lunatic, never satisfied, anything. I feel the deal isn't done until both parties are satisfied. I have never put much faith in the feedback system since. People are much too quick to leave glowing praise, and much too hesitant to leave feedback reflecting their negative experiences. I see feedback as a good indication of how long a person has been active on eBay, and assume if someone with high feedback was REALLY dishonest they'd be kicked off by now.
Of course, good feedback is a kindness that should be given freely to good sellers and customers. I find I'm not as quick as I should be and I am sorry.
And just so no one else has to say it, yes, I am a raving lunatic. A very nice one.