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The Chip Board Archive 02


A short while after losing my bid on the $1.00 & $5.00 MGM oversized Detroit baccarat chips on ebay, business by fate brought me to Detroit. Let me share this first hand information with you. The $1.00, $5.00, $25.00 & $100.00 oversized baccarat chips are nowhere to be found. I checked all four baccarat tables and the cage time & time again throughout the day with no luck. Near days end I grabed a quick bite to eat and decided to sit in on a baccarat game at the big table and play a few hands. Well the baccarat gods were smiling down on me. After winning several hands and having a short conversation with the gent next to me, he asks me if I would like to have his $100.00 oversized chip that he was keeping for good luck in exchange for my regular size $100.00 chip. He has had it since opening day and It realy hasn't helped him much he tells me. Could this really happen, could I get this lucky. YOU BET...$$$. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. I will put up a scan ASAP.
OK here is the scoop. This casino was opened as a temporary site until they can build their mega casino on the river which will take about two years or so. What does this mean, first it means all of their current chips will be destroyed when they open their new casino. Secondly, they are getting killed on their $.25 chips because of their cost. By Michigan law they have to use chips as they are not allowed to use money on the tables. They are working on a way around that and shortly they hope to overcome it. The oversized baccarat chips were taken off the tables because customers were getting them mixed up with the regular chips at other tables and that was causing a problem in the casino. What does this do to those few oversized baccarat chips that got out, (the unofficial word is under 18 in total). These I believe, will become THE MOST COLLECTABLE CHIPS OF THE MILLENNIUM. So it looks to me like all MGM Detroit chips especially the oversized baccarat chips will increase greatly in value in the near future. I hope this little story will give everyone some insight into the value of collecting MGM Detroit chips or MGM Detroit oversized baccarat chips(if you can find them).

and remember

Copyright 2022 David Spragg