And guess what's next? Reproductions. I know this may sound like one of my jokes (which by the way I try to follow with actual answers) But over three years ago, I saw original designs for Las Vegas casinos being offered to ahstray collectors. I mean ashtray people who are not casino collectors at heart like most of us. Unfortunatly the price was so high that I had to pass. But someone could buy these original artworks and go to a glass house and have cases of them made, cheap. The old molds are still in use for many of the common ashtray shapes. There would be no way to distinguish a 1950's amber plain design from a 1999 reproduction.
I'd list the ones I know of, but it's close to 100 and many do not appear in the Anderson book, so it's possible that most people have never seen the original, so how do we know?
Maybe it's already happening?